
Natural Childbirth Education Classes

Exciting news!
Dear friends.  Thank you for stopping by!  Please feel free to take a look around!

As I wrap up the final paperwork on my certification I'm undergoing some major changes, starting with a new name!  Please bear with me as I make modifications to the information listed here and as I build a new webpage!  I'll do my best to ensure that all information is up-to-date and easy to find.  Once my new webpage is up and running I'll delete the information here but leave a link.  Thank you for putting up with the mess!


Who is Megan Hutchings?

Hi!  My name is Megan Hutchings.  I am a stay at home mom of two precious boys, the wife of the most wonderful man in the world, and a firm believer in Jesus Christ.  I love learning, crafting, and all things related to labor and birth!


Why An Independent Class?
Many people often wonder "Why should I take an independent birthing class?  Don't the hospitals offer those?"

Although many people do take classes offered at their hospital, many fail to realize that these classes are not necessarily geared toward making you PREPARED for your birth, as much as making sure you know your options for pain medication.  Since a hospital is - first (and often foremost) a business - let's face it, this is a good business policy!

However, the happiest birth happens when a family is allowed to make choices based on the most information possible so that, at the end of the day, they can leave saying, "I made the BEST decision for me, my baby, and my family!" 

My goal is to give you the tools to do just that!  From understanding how to work with your body for a non-intervention (natural) birth or knowing why a cesarean might actually be your best option, to learning how to choose and communicate with your caregivers to ensure that you receive the BEST prenatal and birth care, my goal is to be sure you can make an Informed Choice!

I offer day-long intensive classes that are built to ensure that you get the most information possible without having to try and schedule too much time out of your crazy life!  Come learn, laugh, and walk away feeling secure about labor and birth!

Still unsure?  Here's 9 Reasons to Choose an Independent Birth Class

What makes Instinctive Birth different from other birth classes?

 Most birth classes fall into two categories:

1) Basic Birth classes.  These are often contrained by time (many midwives or doulas will offer just a few hours of education).  They generally have good information, but much of it is so basic it can be found in just about any birthing book.  Hospital classes often fall into this category and are more interested in making "good patients" rather than helping their good patients make informed decisions.

2) Specialized birth classes:  These classes (such as Bradley, Lamaze, Hypnosis, etc) are often quite detailed in the information they provide, however they are constrained by their particular "method" and can be hard to attend as many of them require weeks of class attendance.  Since these classes are "niche" classes, it can be hard to find the one you want in your area, and many times instructors are required to turn couples away when a class doesn't "make".  Over time these constraints may even lead to a method that is no longer in practice (traditional Lamaze breathing patterns are rarely used anymore because too many women were using them incorrectly and passing out!).  Other options include home-study courses, but these can be difficult since they require you to be self-motivated to finish them.  It can also be hard to get your birth partner (husband) to go through the course with you.  Home-study courses also lack the availability of a REAL LIVE person to answer your questions as you go!

Instinctive Birth's classes are aimed at making you truly informed for whatever birth situation you find yourself in (including the unexpected ones).  My classes are not constrained by any one method.  Instead I have studied various methods in depth and work to provide my clients with a whole host of coping options.  Then if you find that one method or option isn't working for you, you'll have a whole list of others to choose from!  I provide a class that is two full days, and I have multiple options for fitting it into your schedule.  Since I run classes every month (and offer private classes that fit in your schedule) there is no need to fear that you will miss your opportunity for a class!

Your information says your classes are "evidence based".  What exactly does that mean?
Childbirth Intern
ational (the organization through which I am certified) is very adamant about the depth of evidence that surrounds what they teach.  Many health professionals will use common interventions because it's "the way it's always been done".  On the flip side, people are sometimes afraid of being fed "old wives tales" when they hear the words "all natural".  Neither of these things are involved in my class.  What you WILL find is solid, scientific evidence and statistics regarding current knowledge in the field of birth.

I've already had one (two, three...) previous births.  I don't really need to take a birth class again do I?
I can only answer this with my own experience.  I myself have three children.  I took a (basic) birth class and read every single book, blog, and pregnancy article I could find.  I WAS NOT prepared for my first birth.  For my second birth I followed a home-study course and was much more prepared.  Then I began my training for my childbirth education certification.  The amount of knowledge I gained in those two years was vast and yet my third birth STILL threw things at me I wasn't prepared for!  My continuing education constantly teaches me something new.

The moral of the story?  You can never have too much information and a refresher is always good!  Taking advantage of the refresher class means taking advantage of not only your previous birth experience, but also of my own continuing education!  My classes grow as I grow. Talk to me about taking a refresher class and let's build your positive birth experience together!

I'm planning on having an epidural, scheduled cesarean, etc.  How will a "Natural" birth class help me?
Did you know an epidural is not guaranteed to work?  Or that most hospitals will make you wait until you are in WELL ESTABLISHED labor before giving you one? There are even situations where certain medical pain management options may not be available to you.  And unless your cesarean is schedule FAR in advance before your estimated date, there is no guarantee you won't go into labor before your surgery.

Medical pain management has it's limits, as well as it's side effects and additional interventions.  Taking a natural class will help give you the tools you need to be sure that you are prepared for whatever situation you find yourself in.  Since my classes are not geared at simply making you a "good patient" I'm able to take much of the mystery and fear out of common medical procedures while also offering you information on what you can do if your "simple procedure" doesn't work the way you thought it might.   Natural births are not the only joyful births, but PREPARED births are!

What will my birth partner get from this class?
One huge focus of my classes is specifically preparing the birth partner for his/her role in your birth!  I spend time addressing common fears and giving your birth partner the tools they will need to assist you during your birthing time!  We'll cover ALL the do's and dont's so that the two of you can work as a solid and confident team!

Plus, we all know that men like to "fix" things.  I love giving birth partners a comprehensive "tool kit" and "instruction manual" to help give them everything they need to assist the laboring mother with confidence.

I have a question not listed here.
Please call or email me anytime for a consultation or to learn more specifics about my classes!

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